Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Week In...

After months of anticipation, I've finally relocated to Chicago. I'm starting a new life with my boyfriend (and his roommate Trey) and my career back at square one. 

Last week after Doomsday Bunkers wrapped, I packed as much as I could into a few bags and booked a one way ticket leading North and never looked back. I haven't been this happy since last summer in OKC. 

I'm one week into my journey, $1000 in the hole, without most of my major necessities (mainly my cookware), and have sent my resume to anyone asking for help. I'll keep you posted. 

Until next time, 
This has been Sarah in Chicago. 


  1. I'm so jealous of you too moving to Chicago. When I was your age moving that far away from home was scary. Now, I would love too, but I've got so many roots holding me down. I do love Oklahoma and Tulsa, but I'm also nearly certain I would love the city life!

  2. I felt much more at ease when I moved because the guys know the area now and did the hart parts without me.
